Williams Viyou

Software Developper

Bio Pic

Hard-working and passionate volunteer by the technologies of connected objects and having a developed interpersonal skills, my name is Williams Viyou. My sense of respect, submission to the hierarchy, but also work well done and continuous eort to improve my performance are my main strengths.

Career Summary

Firs and Last name : Williams VIYOU

Age : 23 ans

Address : 1 Place Nelson Mandela, 77700 - Chessy

Phone : 06 95 63 98 71

Email : pascal.viyou@epita.fr

Professional Skills

  • Web Backend add

    PHP, Angular, Node Js, J2EE (Spring & Hibernate)

    Symfony 3, Laravel, Codeigniter , Lumen, Angular 6, Angular

  • Web Frontend add

    HTML 5, CSS 3 et Sass
    Jquery et Ajax

    Framework : Node JS, Angular Js, Angular 6, EXT JS, React, Ionic, Bootstrap, TypeScript, Vue JS

  • Database add

    SQL : (Mysql, PLSQL, Oracle Db, PostgreSQL)

    NoSql : ( Mongo Db )

  • Cloud Computing add

    AWS, GCP, Terraform, Ansible, Docker

    IBM Bluemix and Ionic Creator

  • Programming Languages add

    C, C++, C# .NET, Java, J2E,

    CAML, Python, SWING, UML,

    Android, Swift, kotlin, React Native,

    Sass, Spring et Hibernate

  • Software add

    Sublime text, Visual Studio IDE, et VS Code Notepad ++, Eclipse, Intellij,

    UNITY 3 et 5, ArgroUML, NetBeans, CodeBlocks , Git

C, C++, C#, Python et Java


AWS / GCP & Docker


Web Development


Angular & React


PHP7 et Symfony 3


Bootstrap et Sass


React Native


Android, Koltin et Ionic




Work experiences

During my academic course I have had the opportunity to exercise my passion through different positions in order to cope with various missions

Oct 2017 - Oct 2020

Full-Stack Developer Apprentice at RATP

During my apprenticeship training, I held the position of Full-Stack Developer where I had to make improvements on an ERP developed within the RATP, to correct existing bugs and side effects that appeared during production.

Juin 2017 - Sept 2017

Web and Mobile Developper at AramisGroup

During this internship at the end of the OTC, I held this position at AramisGroup or I've been asked to create websites for clients, mobile applications and do SEO optimization on existing sites


Graduated from a DUT Informatique, I am currently pursuing an apprenticeship as an Expert in Computer Engineering and Connected Objects with the RATP.

  • Expert in Computer Engineering

    EPITA : 2017 - 2020 (En cours)
    During my apprenticeship training, I have to become more competent in both pragmatic

  • DUT Computer Science Special Year : Good Mention

    IUT Paris Descartes : 2015 - 2016
    The objective of which is to master fundamental skills to take responsibility for most of the current developments in business computing.

  • Licence 1 Math - Informatique

    University Paris Descartes : 2014 - 2015
    This first year allowed me to have a certain base in programming with a good foundation in mathematics.

Project Image

Project Title

Write a short description (2 lines) about your project (when you did this? for whom you worked for? ) How was the accomplishment etc? Remember, a good practise, you must not write more than 40 - 60 words